This recipe was the start of my low carb cracker-making journey. A journey that is still in progress. Try and see what you might change (adding more liquid maybe?). Tell me in the comments. I’m always looking for another great cracker idea. I’m getting closer to great cracker recipes…
I put everything in a food processor and use the pulse button until it’s all incorporated as shown. The dry ingredients first then the liquids. Everything could be done by hand. A food processor just speeds it up.
Roll the dough into a log 1 ¼” in diameter. Wrap in parchment and put in the freezer for about ½ an hour. Use a thin knife to slice off 4-5mm thick (3/16”). These don’t spread when baking so you can pack quite a few on the cookie sheet.
Baking is preheating the oven to 320°F. Bake for 16 minutes, flip the crackers then bake for another 4 minutes. Keep an eye on them for the last couple of minutes—don’t let them get too dark.
⅔ cup almond flour.
2 tbsp coconut flour.
1 tbsp protein powder.
¼ tsp smoked paprika.
1 tsp dried oregano.
½ tsp salt.
1 cup shredded mozzarella.
⅓ cup fine shredded Parmesan.
½ cup whole, roasted, pumpkin seeds.
2 tbsp ground chia seeds.
1 whole egg.
1 egg white.
½ tsp Tabasco sauce.
/*** extra ***/
I store the crackers in an old round tin. I layer the bottom of the tin with dry rice, then a lower of wax paper. This will help keep the crackers crisp.